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HardDrive Throttle Slide Vacuum Membrane - 027690

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Was: $13.95
Sale: $13.25
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These new membrane seals replace punctured or torn seals on throttle slides fitted to Keihin CV Carburetors
Why buy a complete slide assembly when you can now replace the seal only in a cost effective manner, these seals are not available or sold separately from the OEM

Application List

1990 - 2005Harley DavidsonFLHTC Electra Glide ClassicFor Keihin CV Carburetors
1994 - 2006Harley DavidsonFLHR Road KingFor Keihin CV Carburetors
1990 - 1993Harley DavidsonFLHS Electra Glide SportFor Keihin CV Carburetors
2001 - 2006Harley DavidsonFLSTCI Heritage Softail ClassicFor Keihin CV Carburetors
1998 - 2006Harley DavidsonFLHRCI Road King ClassicFor Keihin CV Carburetors
1990 - 2006Harley DavidsonFLSTF Fat BoyFor Keihin CV Carburetors
1996 - 2006Harley DavidsonFLHRI Road KingFor Keihin CV Carburetors
2006 - 2006Harley DavidsonFLHX Street GlideFor Keihin CV Carburetors
1996 - 2006Harley DavidsonFLHTCI Electra Glide ClassicFor Keihin CV Carburetors
2006 - 2006Harley DavidsonFLSTI Heritage SoftailFor Keihin CV Carburetors
1995 - 2006Harley DavidsonFLHT Electra Glide StandardFor Keihin CV Carburetors
2001 - 2006Harley DavidsonFLSTFI Fat BoyFor Keihin CV Carburetors
2004 - 2006Harley DavidsonFLHRS Road King CustomFor Keihin CV Carburetors
1994 - 1996Harley DavidsonFLSTN Heritage Softail SpecialFor Keihin CV Carburetors
2003 - 2006Harley DavidsonFLHTI Electra Glide StandardFor Keihin CV Carburetors
2001 - 2003Harley DavidsonFLSTSI Heritage SpringerFor Keihin CV Carburetors
2005 - 2006Harley DavidsonFLSTN Softail DeluxeFor Keihin CV Carburetors
1990 - 1993Harley DavidsonFXRS-SP Low Rider SportFor Keihin CV Carburetors
1990 - 1997Harley DavidsonFLHTCU Electra Glide Ultra ClassicFor Keihin CV Carburetors
1993 - 1993Harley DavidsonFLSTN Heritage Softail NostalgiaFor Keihin CV Carburetors
2004 - 2006Harley DavidsonFLHRSI Road King CustomFor Keihin CV Carburetors
2006 - 2006Harley DavidsonFXDBI Street BobFor Keihin CV Carburetors
1990 - 2006Harley DavidsonFLST Heritage SoftailFor Keihin CV Carburetors
1998 - 2006Harley DavidsonFLTRI Road GlideFor Keihin CV Carburetors
1999 - 1999Harley DavidsonFXR3For Keihin CV Carburetors
1990 - 2006Harley DavidsonFXST Softail StandardFor Keihin CV Carburetors
1997 - 2003Harley DavidsonFLSTS Heritage SpringerFor Keihin CV Carburetors
2005 - 2006Harley DavidsonFLSTNI Softail DeluxeFor Keihin CV Carburetors
1995 - 2006Harley DavidsonFLHTCUI Electra Glide Ultra ClassicFor Keihin CV Carburetors
1992 - 2005Harley DavidsonFXDC Super Glide CustomFor Keihin CV Carburetors
1990 - 2006Harley DavidsonFLSTC Heritage Softail ClassicFor Keihin CV Carburetors
1991 - 1991Harley DavidsonFXDB-S Dyna Glide SturgisFor Keihin CV Carburetors
1999 - 2006Harley DavidsonFXSTB Night TrainFor Keihin CV Carburetors
2010 - 2014Harley DavidsonXL1200X Forty-EightFor Keihin CV Carburetors
2001 - 2001Harley DavidsonFXDWG2For Keihin CV Carburetors
2005 - 2006Harley DavidsonFLSTSCI Softail Springer ClassicFor Keihin CV Carburetors
2006 - 2006Harley DavidsonFLHXI Street GlideFor Keihin CV Carburetors
2004 - 2006Harley DavidsonFXDI Dyna Super GlideFor Keihin CV Carburetors
2005 - 2006Harley DavidsonFLSTSC Softail Springer ClassicFor Keihin CV Carburetors
2004 - 2006Harley DavidsonFXDLI Dyna Low RiderFor Keihin CV Carburetors
1995 - 1997Harley DavidsonFXSTSB Bad BoyFor Keihin CV Carburetors
2011 - 2014Harley DavidsonXL883L SuperLowFor Keihin CV Carburetors
2004 - 2005Harley DavidsonFXDXI Dyna Super Glide SportFor Keihin CV Carburetors
1990 - 1991Harley DavidsonFLTC Tour Glide ClassicFor Keihin CV Carburetors
1990 - 1995Harley DavidsonFLTCU Tour Glide Ultra ClassicFor Keihin CV Carburetors
1994 - 2000Harley DavidsonFXDS-Conv Dyna ConvertibleFor Keihin CV Carburetors
1996 - 1996Harley DavidsonFLTCUI Tour Glide Ultra ClassicFor Keihin CV Carburetors
2001 - 2003Harley DavidsonFXDXT Dyna Super Glide T-SportFor Keihin CV Carburetors
2004 - 2008Harley DavidsonXL1200R Sportster 1200 RoadsterFor Keihin CV Carburetors
2004 - 2006Harley DavidsonFXDWGI Dyna Wide GlideFor Keihin CV Carburetors
1990 - 1992Harley DavidsonFXRS Low GlideFor Keihin CV Carburetors
1992 - 1992Harley DavidsonFXDB-D Dyna Glide DaytonaFor Keihin CV Carburetors
1995 - 2005Harley DavidsonFXD Dyna Super GlideFor Keihin CV Carburetors
1999 - 2005Harley DavidsonFXDX Dyna Super Glide SportFor Keihin CV Carburetors
1998 - 2002Harley DavidsonFLTR Road GlideFor Keihin CV Carburetors
2001 - 2006Harley DavidsonFXSTBI Night TrainFor Keihin CV Carburetors
2009 - 2010Harley DavidsonXR1200For Keihin CV Carburetors
1990 - 1994Harley DavidsonFXLR Low Rider CustomFor Keihin CV Carburetors
1990 - 1993Harley DavidsonFXRS-Conv Low Rider Sport ConvertibleFor Keihin CV Carburetors
2005 - 2006Harley DavidsonFXDCI Super Glide CustomFor Keihin CV Carburetors
1993 - 2005Harley DavidsonFXDWG Dyna Wide GlideFor Keihin CV Carburetors
1990 - 1994Harley DavidsonFXR Super Glide IIFor Keihin CV Carburetors
1993 - 2005Harley DavidsonFXDL Dyna Low RiderFor Keihin CV Carburetors
1996 - 2003Harley DavidsonXL1200S Sportster 1200 SportFor Keihin CV Carburetors
2000 - 2006Harley DavidsonFXSTD Softail DeuceFor Keihin CV Carburetors
1999 - 1999Harley DavidsonFXR2For Keihin CV Carburetors
1990 - 1992Harley DavidsonFXRT Sport GlideFor Keihin CV Carburetors
2006 - 2006Harley DavidsonFXDI35 Dyna 35th Anniversary Super GlideFor Keihin CV Carburetors
1990 - 2006Harley DavidsonFXSTS Springer SoftailFor Keihin CV Carburetors
2000 - 2000Harley DavidsonFXR4For Keihin CV Carburetors
2001 - 2006Harley DavidsonFXSTI Softail StandardFor Keihin CV Carburetors
2011 - 2012Harley DavidsonXR1200XFor Keihin CV Carburetors
2009 - 2014Harley DavidsonXL883N Iron 883For Keihin CV Carburetors
1990 - 1999Harley DavidsonFXSTC Softail CustomFor Keihin CV Carburetors
2005 - 2010Harley DavidsonXL883L Sportster 883 LowFor Keihin CV Carburetors
2002 - 2002Harley DavidsonFXDWG3For Keihin CV Carburetors
1988 - 2003Harley DavidsonXLH883HUG Sportster 883 HuggerFor Keihin CV Carburetors
2012 - 2014Harley DavidsonXL1200V Seventy-TwoFor Keihin CV Carburetors
2006 - 2011Harley DavidsonXL1200L Sportster 1200 LowFor Keihin CV Carburetors
2001 - 2006Harley DavidsonFXSTDI Softail DeuceFor Keihin CV Carburetors
1988 - 1995Harley DavidsonXLH883DLX Sportster 883 DeluxeFor Keihin CV Carburetors
2007 - 2007Harley DavidsonXL50 50th Anniversary SportsterFor Keihin CV Carburetors
2007 - 2012Harley DavidsonXL1200N Sportster 1200 NightsterFor Keihin CV Carburetors
2001 - 2006Harley DavidsonFXSTSI Springer SoftailFor Keihin CV Carburetors
1988 - 2003Harley DavidsonXLH1200For Keihin CV Carburetors
1996 - 2014Harley DavidsonXL1200C Sportster 1200 CustomFor Keihin CV Carburetors
2004 - 2008Harley DavidsonXL883 SportsterFor Keihin CV Carburetors
1999 - 2009Harley DavidsonXL883C Sportster 883 CustomFor Keihin CV Carburetors
2002 - 2007Harley DavidsonXL883R Sportster 883 RoadsterFor Keihin CV Carburetors
1988 - 2003Harley DavidsonXLH883For Keihin CV Carburetors


  • 027690
  • 027690
  • 191361166044
  • HardDrive
  • Available
  • New


Shipping Information

  • Item Requires Shipping
  • 5.0 lbs.
  • W6.0000” x H10.0000” x L4.0000”

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