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DUDECK Screen Kit - Candy Red - A-10 CANDY RED



Custom colored to match your hood
All kits are powder coated with a baked on finish that is 4-5 times stronger than spray paint
It will resist chipping, stays flexible, durable and is long lasting
All hardware and instructions included

Product Series

Application List

1998 - 1999Arctic CatJag 440
1998 - 2000Arctic CatPanther 340
1997 - 1997Arctic CatJag Deluxe
1998 - 1999Arctic CatJag 340 Deluxe
1998 - 1998Arctic CatJag 340
1997 - 1997Arctic CatPuma
1997 - 1997Arctic CatJag
1998 - 1999Arctic CatJag 440 Deluxe
1998 - 2000Arctic CatPanther 440
1999 - 2000Arctic CatPanther 550

Shipping Information

  • Item Requires Shipping
  • 5.0 lbs.
  • W6.0000” x H10.0000” x L4.0000”